Explore our Gallery to witness the evolution of Explorer Rest & Recreation from concept to reality. Our gallery showcases vibrant experiences and moments, from stunning events and memorable celebrations to the delightful ambiance of our hotel. You’ll also find snapshots of the Brady family’s adventures, which inspired the creation of this amazing place. Whether you’re planning your next visit or browsing for inspiration, these images capture the essence of our establishment and the journeys that led to its creation. Discover the beauty and excitement that awaits you and envision your perfect experience with us in the Sandusky and Shores and Islands area.
Discover More Adventures and Our Transformation
Want to learn more about the Brady family’s travels and the exciting details behind the transformation of Explorer Rest & Recreation? Head over to our Explorers Log Blog. Dive into stories of inspiring journeys that influenced the design of our space and get an insider’s look at the renovation process. Whether you’re curious about the family’s adventures or the hotel’s evolution, our blog offers an engaging and detailed account of how it all came together.